3 things you need in your Business Plan

Create a Business Plan the right way

business plan covers the entire business, including overall strategy, financial plans, target markets, sales, products and services, operations, and how they all relate to each other.

Businesses of every type need a business plan. Don’t think you can skip by on this important step because you offer a service instead of a physical product. Every business can benefit from a business plan.

First Step, Focus.

When you create a business plan you need to focus on the reasons for the business: Who do you want to serve? What do you want to provide? When do you want to start? Where will you set up shop? Why do you want to start such an endeavor? How will you meld all these things together to create a prosperous business?

These are the primary reasons why you’re going into business and they should always be at the forefront of your mind when making decisions.

Something else to focus on is your big dream. How much money do you want to make over the next 5 years? Do you want to sell multiple products or have several locations? Everyone’s big dream will be different but you should write it down as part of the plan.

Second Step, A Plan.

Think of your business plan as a mountain. Your mission statement is at the base of the mountain while your big dream is at the peak. Everything in between is what you need to plan and these steps should also be incorporated into a business plan.

What products do you want to create? How often do you want to produce a product? How can you implement some passive income or affiliate income into your business? Are there any speaking engagements or online summit opportunities that will expand your reach and your followers? What can you add to your sales funnel for those not yet ready to commit to coaching?

Third Step, Action Steps.

This is where your planning steps are broken down into smaller, actionable steps. Instead of just saying I want to write a book, break the process down further. How much time can you dedicate each day to writing? Do you want to self-publish or find a publisher? You’ll need to hire an editor and someone to design the cover. These are actionable steps that can easily be crossed off your to do list once completed.

Don’t be thrown off here. You don’t need to plan 5 years’ worth of action steps at one time. The idea is to plan a year at a time, keeping your focus in mind, so that the action steps become a pathway or a blueprint to your big dreams

Create a Business Plan the right way

Businesses of every type need a business plan. Don’t think you can skip by on this important step because you offer a service instead of a physical product. Every business can benefit from a business plan.

First Step, Focus.

When you create a business plan you need to focus on the reasons for the business: Who do you want to serve? What do you want to provide? When do you want to start? Where will you set up shop? Why do you want to start such an endeavor? How will you meld all these things together to create a prosperous business?

These are the primary reasons why you’re going into business and they should always be at the forefront of your mind when making decisions.

Something else to focus on is your big dream. How much money do you want to make over the next 5 years? Do you want to sell multiple products or have several locations? Everyone’s big dream will be different but you should write it down as part of the plan.

Second Step, A Plan.

Think of your business plan as a mountain. Your mission statement is at the base of the mountain while your big dream is at the peak. Everything in between is what you need to plan and these steps should also be incorporated into a business plan.

What products do you want to create? How often do you want to produce a product? How can you implement some passive income or affiliate income into your business? Are there any speaking engagements or online summit opportunities that will expand your reach and your followers? What can you add to your sales funnel for those not yet ready to commit to coaching?

Third Step, Action Steps.

This is where your planning steps are broken down into smaller, actionable steps. Instead of just saying I want to write a book, break the process down further. How much time can you dedicate each day to writing? Do you want to self-publish or find a publisher? You’ll need to hire an editor and someone to design the cover. These are actionable steps that can easily be crossed off your to do list once completed.

Don’t be thrown off here. You don’t need to plan 5 years’ worth of action steps at one time. The idea is to plan a year at a time, keeping your focus in mind, so that the action steps become a pathway or a blueprint to your big dreams

Let’s create more than just S.M.A.R.T goals

Let’s create more than just S.M.A.R.T goals

Quote for entrepreneurs: Be vibrant and reach for the sky

Hi vibrant business owners and entrepreneurs.  A recent group conversation in Cleveland Vibrant Entrepreneurs Community. We had a great discussion about goal setting. We always heard that when we create a goal, it has to be SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, realistic and timely).

I do believe that creating goals that is SMART is good in giving us clarity on our to step forward but I think it’s not enough specially for those who want to achieve big things. When we create attainable and realistic goals, sometimes we set goals in our comfort zone. We set goals that we know we can accomplished but do you want to be stuck with “attainable” and “realistic” goals when what you really dream about is a 3-day workweek, and a trip to Disneyworld with your kids. Setting goals in your comfort zone aren’t going to get you there. In fact, they may holding you back because you create a box for your goals.

Consider what happens when you set a goal of earning 10% more, you might work 10% more.  You might even reach out to 10% more potential clients. And you’ll likely  to reach your goals but you will be happy because after all, that was your goal.

Rather than focusing on goals that are attainable and realistic, savvy and driver entrepreneurs know that the key to incredible success lies in creating lofty goals that feel out of reach. They don’t strive to earn 10% more but instead they kept stretching themselves. They find new—and better—ways to do things, so they don’t have to work twice as hard.

Of course, you cannot simply declare crazy goals and expect the universe to hand them to you. And that’s exactly why putting aside those smart goals is so…smart. When you shun the attainable in favor of the “holy cow, how will I ever do THAT?” goal, you push yourself beyond those self-imposed limits and reach for the stars.

Sure, you might not double your income, but you’re almost guaranteed to do better than a mere 10% increase. So push your boundaries.

Set big, audacious vibrant goals, my friend. Because even if you fail, you’ll be much further ahead than those smart goals would leave you.